Goods Lifts

Scissor Lift and Mast-Driven Lifts to Safely Move Goods Between Levels

Goods Lift

Scissor Based Goods Lift

Over 75 years of scissor lift manufacturing has resulted in Marco scissor based goods lifts being the highest quality in the world.

Marco goods lifts comply with all applicable regulations, including EN1570-1 and Machine Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex IIA, depending on the application. This ensures proper protection for your operators and those working near them.

Marco goods lifts do not need a machine room or other arrangements, so they are quick and easy to install almost anywhere, saving time and costs.

Scissor Lift Goods Models. From light loads to 50+ tons, we can provide you with a solution perfect for your needs.


  • Overload protection eliminates risk of damage
  • Gates/handrails improve safety
  • Safety retainer prevents unintentional lowering
  • Bellows provide extra safety, and protection against dust, dirt and bad weather
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Mast Driven Goods Lift

Marco MDL Goods Lift


Transport goods up to 5.5m with Marcos unique Mast Driven Lift (MDL) with ease. This goods lift has easy ramp access and a closed height of only 65 mm

Marco Goods Lifts us high quality, well-engineered components. For example, direct-acting hydraulic telescopic lift cylinders provide safe, smooth, and self-leveling operation. Assembly on site is quick and easy, with no pit required because the lift is freestanding and self-supporting.

These goods lifts are reliable, safe, easy to service and maintain and have long term cost saving benefits.


Torros Dual Mast, Fixed Installation, Goods Lift

Painted mild steel or Stainless steel componentry.

Small platform.

Ideally indoor use.

Single phase AC powered.

3 models / capacities.

Capacities 80, 250 and 400 kgs to 3,5m or max 4 m.

Ideally supported against another structure.

Fixed to the floor.

Torros Goods Lift

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